Saturday, May 17, 2014


Do you know who is leading you?  In the middle of your difficult circumstances, do you have a sense of direction and confidence that who you are following is capable of directing you to a safe landing?

Sometimes, you just have to trust.  I had to draw on my history of faith and remember the times God took me through different challenges and failures and successes.

I remember a wonderful lady who had a radar when it came to struggles in my life.  She would stop me in the hall at college, look me in the eye and pray.  It didn't matter to her who was around, it mattered to her that we took care of the situation.  Elizabeth Williams was her name.  One of her favorite passages in the Bible was Proverbs 3:5-6.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not unto thy own understanding and He shall direct your paths."  (Punctuation might not be perfect, that was from memory).  I've never forgotten it. 

TRUST has been the key.  Trusting that WHO I put my faith in would take me to the other side of sorrow has given me peace and rest.  I can relax, the Lord is in control.  I can follow.

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