Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Getting a Grip on Fear,Frustration, Fatigue, Anger...

Do you have a grip on your caregiving situation? Are you dealing with anger?  Frustration?  Fear? Fatigue?

One of the stress management tools from the Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a breathing exercise.  (page 32, The Caregiver Helpbook).

Breathing for Relaxation:
1.  Close your eyes (or quietly become aware of your breathing.)
2.  Inhale to the count of seven, slowly and deeply.  Exhale to the count of seven, slowly and deeply.  Exhaling is "letting go."
3.  Repeat without forcing your breathing in any way.  If your mind becomes distracted, refocus on your breathing.
4.  Continue for one to two minutes or longer if you want.

Too many caregivers lose their health when it is most important that they stay healthy.  Dealing with and identifying stress is one of the tools you need.  Being able to relax will clear your mind and calm your soul!

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