Monday, August 25, 2014

The Grands...I am grateful.

I remember the day Johnathan was born.  I remember the day Kamri was born.  Life changed dramatically for our family when these two individuals became a part of the mix.  We were putting two families together, and when Johnathan came along, we had a focus that was like no other.


Kailee came into our lives much later.  She has proven to be a force of nature and marches to her own drum. . She is talented and I can only guess what God has planned for her future! 

 Chas and Timothy.   What joy they have brought into our lives.  They are each a unique and special gift to me.  Chas has grown into a beautiful young woman.  Timothy is strong and has chosen wrestling as his sport.

Why tell you about my Grand kids?  When life was difficult and I could not see any hope, I would look at them and realize that God places us in families.  With each child came a challenge and a hope.  Watching them grow and becoming a part of  their life plan has evened out the good and the difficult. They are the future.  They are my promise.

Psalm 68:6     I am grateful for the family God has placed me in. 

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