Are you an out of town caregiver? Do you share responsibilities from afar? Are you involved in the day to day challenges of a loved one who lives in another city, another state?
Please phone home. Even if you are not in a position to help up close, your interest and love will bring happiness to the care receiver and peace to the caregiver. You are needed in any way you can contribute. Just being able to talk over a difficult problem with someone who loves that person as much as you do is essential to the health and wellbeing of both of them.
"But, it only frustrates me", you say. "What can I do? I have a life here that I am responsible for."
You can care. I have been at many funerals where the deepest grief is felt by those who did little. Regret is a heavy cross. Do what you can when you can and you will never have a sleepless night due to regret.
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