Monday, August 18, 2014

Deaf ears?

Do you ever feel like you are talking to deaf ears? It doesn't matter how loud or long the conversation, nothing happens.  The situation stays the same and it is impossible to see any headway or hope.

At times, that was what I felt like as a caregiver.  I was talking and no one was listening.  My fear and struggle was lost on those closest to me.  It wasn't always their fault.  I wasn't clear in what I needed.  That was probably because I didn't have a clue just what would help.

But, God has always been faithful to me.  In Gal. 6:2 the Bible says to carry each others burdens and in that way you will fulfill the law of Christ.  Love is His law.  I have family and friends who did just that.  They began to decipher my language and together we walked a path of pain and sorrow.  They were there in the roughest part and stayed with me.

Look around.  Do you see someone who is reaching out to you in your pain?  Where ever you are, reach back.  There is someone who is in tune with Gal. 6:2 and will help you by loving you.

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