Thursday, September 11, 2014

First Day ,,,New Day

This is the first day of the rest of your life.
Good day or bad?
We do not choose what happens in the hours, but we do choose how we respond to those events.
Kamri is a senior this year and is beginning a new phase of her life.  I remember my senior year and the choices I made for college and career.  I planned to go to school in Springfield, MO.  But my mother felt a nudge from God that I should attend a small Bible College in Houston, TX.  That decision set the  path of my adult years.  I began a journey that birthed my friends and faith.  It was the most influential time of my youth.
As you revisit your senior moments, allow them to be put in perspective and enjoy the good.  Throw out the memories that cause grief and pain.  God puts us in families so that we can grow and thrive. 
Bring up some of those wonderful friendships, events and experiences that made you who you are today!

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