Monday, September 15, 2014

Changes...The Flagship Hotel

The Flagship Hotel on Galveston Island was a favorite place to spend a few days.  It was like being on a boat over the water, yet attached to land.  The picture of the Seawall was taken before Ike from a room at the top of the hotel.  I loved sitting on the balcony and watching the tourists come and go from Murdoch's.  This is my favorite place to watch the water and enjoy a breeze that comes across the Gulf.
The second picture is the change that came after Ike destroyed the hotel and the property purchased to build a pleasure pier.  The new addition is a success and people flock to the pier to eat at Bubba Gumps and ride the rides.
Me?  I go to Murdoch's, sit in a chair on the porch and remember the hotel.
Life holds many good memories and some pretty challenging ones.  At times I sit on my couch and remember those days when my Mother held me on her lap.  Then, I remember the days I would hold her as she aged and was no longer able to care for herself.  
I also remember my husband and the years our girls were growing up.  I then recall the days he was ill and we courageously took on his disease with faith and determination.
I have felt God's presence as I walked through the before and the after.   Psalms 23...

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