Sunday, June 29, 2014


This picture was taken a few days ago.  She has a very winning smile and there are times that only the smile of a loved one will lift the spirits and soothe the heart.  Caregiving often leaves the caregiver wondering who they are and what has happened to the person that once inhabited their body.  The face in the mirror is almost unrecognizable. 
If you are exhausted and struggling, seek someone who can pray with you and will help you find the answers for your situation.  There are many helps today that were not available a few years ago.  There is a government site on aging. Google caregivers and see all the sites that pop up.  Type in the illness you are dealing with and there will be several sites to choose from with information and guidelines for help.
When life is a struggle, look for someone who can lift your spirits with their smile.  Smile in return!

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